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Five Therapist Approved Mental Health Tips to Try at Home!

The lockdown is a stressful phase fo people across the globe. However, it is all the more difficult for those who are battling mental health issues. An inability to visit their therapist and to deal with their psychological problems might add to the challenges. So, here are a few tips from the therapists on how to improve your mental health while staying at home. These seemingly simple changes in your lifestyle can make a significant difference to your mental health, so why not try them today!

Pursue a Hobby

There’s nothing that could calm your nerves likes a creative pursuit. Pick a hobby that you otherwise don’t find time to pursue. Research shows that doodling, coloring, and drawing are great stress busters. There are many creative coloring books for adults that you might pick up and get started. You will notice how it relaxes your mind and helps you calm down. However, if you could not buy one because of the lockdown, do not worry.

There are numerous free coloring apps available on Android and iOS that you could use. Besides, this could also consider starting a routine of meditation, exercise, or maybe even cooking. They are all said to have a therapeutic effect on the brain and help you get over the worrisome thoughts.

Write Down Your Thoughts

Depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, or any other type of mental disorder, for that matter, gets difficult to deal with because of all that goes inside the person’s head. If you’re battling a psychological problem too and don’t know how to figure a way out of it, here’s a simple solution. Writing your thoughts, they flow, and without analyzing them is helpful. Let the thoughts fill the pages before you act upon them. David Klow, the founder of Chicago’s Skylight Counseling Center, says that it will help you keep track of your moods, behavior changes, triggers, etc. It thus helps you anticipate a possible change in behavior.

You could use this mental health journal when you meet your therapist in person. Discuss these notes and observations to discuss with your therapist and figure out a way to work on the issues. There is a possibility that you might also notice a change in the way you respond to a crisis after you start journaling about it.

Build Positive Thoughts

Locked inside a room for several weeks in a row will drive everyone crazy. And if you have a troubled mind, it gets difficult to avoid negative thoughts. However, make a conscious effort to combat the negative thoughts with the positive ones. While overthinking is not something you could stop instantly, you can channelize your mind to seeing the positive side of things too.

For instance, if it worries you to see people hoarding things in a supermarket and you’re worried that you might not get the products you need when you visit the store, tell yourself that you will have access to a fresher stock in a few days. You can also tell yourself that someone who was really in need of the product got their hands on the last pack of the product. While this might not resolve the issue at hand, it will help reduce the panic and stress that comes from overthinking and negative thoughts.

Have a List of Go-To People

Social distancing and lockdown make it impossible to step outside your home, meet your friends, or loved ones. However, technology makes it possible for all of us to stay connected and share our feelings with our loved ones. Use this time to identify people whom you are comfortable sharing your concerns with. This could be the people with whom you’re living during this lockdown or your family and friends living in a far off place.

While deep inside you know very well whom you can count on at the time of a crisis. However, having it out as a list will help you feel better. It will serve as a constant reminder that there are people you can call, message, or email if there is something that’s bothering you. Make sure you talk to them and tell them what’s bothering you. You’re sure to feel better after pouring your heart out to someone.

We hope these tips were helpful. There’s nothing more important than the mental health of a person. So, make sure to be there for your loved ones and also take care of your mental health. Do not let the pandemic take a toll on your emotional well-being.

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