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Common Causes Of Depression And How To Overcome Them

Depression’s negative effect on humans has been underestimated for centuries. As time moved on, studies have proven that depression takes a decidedly dark toll on those affected. According to the W.H.O. (World Health Organization), about 14% of the entire world’s population experience mental instability and depression, annually. Unfortunately, many people battling with depression tend to keep it buried within themselves. If left unattended, depression can cause long-lasting effects and further mental disturbances.

When dealing with this condition, it’s essential to know the different causes of it. Prevention is much better than curing a lifetime of bad habits and influences. Here are the most common causes of depression, and some useful tips on how to deal with them:

Stress and Anxiety

Life has become extremely rushed, and we are under constant pressure to perform, to make money, to pay bills, and to achieve success.  Stress and Anxiety can be caused by many outside factors but no matter what the origin, it harms our mental health.

When we experience stress, the hormone cortisol is secreted. The more the stress, the higher the level of cortisol within the bloodstream. This, in turn, leads to depression.  Feeling anxious or stressed every once in a while won’t have any long-lasting effects. The problem occurs when we stress regularly or all the time. If you are feeling anxious more often than not, you need to find ways to cope better to avoid becoming depressed.


Recent scientific research has shown that some forms of depression are passed on through genetics. Genetic risk factors are yet to be quantified, but it’s believed that children from families with a line of depression are more prone to depression symptoms. It will be wise to do a background history check to see whether depression occurred in your family.

Loss and Trauma

Losing someone to death or experiencing intense trauma can also cause depression. Depression is sometimes confused with mourning or sadness. However, these two are quite different. When you feel depressed, you’ll have symptoms of restlessness, loss of appetite, and sudden lack of interest in activities that were once enjoyed. Feeling intense sadness when losing someone either through death or even divorce is normal. However, if those strong emotions aren’t dealt with properly, they might linger and even intensify over time. Talking about your feelings and putting in the time and attention to grieve and process what you’re going through is crucial for your long-term mental health.

Image result for depressedSubstance Abuse

Depression has been found to be preeminently dominant in people who abuse illegal substances or excessive alcohol. Substance abuse is a form of coping with emotions, mostly by numbing your feelings.

Using substances as a crutch can cause depression when the numbness dies down. Some illegal substances are said to have side effects of depression or suicidal behaviors. Even prescribed drugs, like benzodiazepines and anticonvulsants, might have side effects of depression. Although our emotions may overwhelm us sometimes, drowning the pain is not the solution. If you feel like you need help to cope, make sure to seek professional advice. Self-medicating is a slippery slope that might damage your ability to cope with emotional challenges.

Change In Physical Health

Depression is all about human psychology and physiology. Biology has helped to make clear the fact that neurotransmitters are largely responsible for the varying moods humans’ experience. If an imbalance in neurotransmitters occurs, the symptoms of depression are bound to set in. Thyroid disorders and liver disease have been known to cause significant levels of depression. Another health-related factor is lack of proper nutrition. Lack of sufficient vitamins and minerals can result in the individual experiencing some of the symptoms associated with depression. An example of such a deficiency is an imbalanced ratio of omega-3 and six fatty acids in the body.

 Overcoming Depression

Even though depressed people often want to isolate themselves, it is wise to force yourself to take action. If you’re feeling down for quite some time, here are some things that may help you break free from a depressed state of mind:

Try to continue doing the same activities you are engaged in. Putting the effort to experience things that make you feel good will pay off, guaranteed

Being physically active can also help release some of the tension you have built up and pump the right hormones in your brain. Don’t underestimate the importance of healthy eating Filling your body with healthy foods is a great way to keep depression at bay. And take a break – if you are overworked or under a lot of pressure, it’s time you recuperate and take some time off to make sure you feel mentally stable. And if you feel like you’re drowning – give yourself the support you need. Professional help from a therapist can go a long way.

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