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Check Out These Celebrity Cars – This Calls For a Special Kind of Car Insurance!

Pep Guardiola – Bentley GTX700 – $250,000

Football’s most stylish manager needs a stylish ride. Pep Guardiola spoiled himself with a sweet and expensive ride, the Bentley GTX700. The $250,000 price tag didn’t even make a dent in the successful football coach’s bank account, and he probably paid the price without blinking an eye. Arriving at work in a V-8 engine driven Bentley sure raises some eyebrows with his Manchester City team players, even much so that Raheem Sterling, went to buy himself the same classy vehicle. Guardiola is known for living in luxurious homes and apartment buildings, wearing designer clothes, and now driving a luxurious Bentley that can generate 530bhp. We hope that he locks this baby up under tight security.

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