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Check Out These Celebrity Cars – This Calls For a Special Kind of Car Insurance!

Leonardo DiCaprio – Fisker Karma Hybrid – $135,000

The ’90s heartthrob, Leonardo DiCaprio, is known for his performances in blockbuster films such as TitanicRomeo and Juliet, and The Great Gatsby. He has been awarded many academy nominations and finally got his Oscar award in 2016 for his performance in The Revenant. Apart from his successful acting career, DiCaprio is also known for being an outspoken environmental activist. He uses his well-earned fortunes to fund Non-profit organizations and he established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998. Being environmentally conscious has had an effect on his lifestyle, instead of choosing a fuel-driven car he opted for a friendlier option. The Tesla Roadster and the Fisker Karma Hybrid worth $135,000.  All of his vehicle choices are environmentally friendly and battery-driven.

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