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Man Stays Awake for 264 Hours for World Record, But It Backfired Horribly

A Dangerous Trend

Randy’s world record, achieved with immense courage, was surpassed merely two weeks later. Enter Jim Thomas, a 20-year-old Californian student who pushed the boundaries further, staying awake for an astonishing 266 hours and 30 minutes (11 days 2 hours 30 minutes).

Yet, Jim’s reign as the sleepless champion was fleeting. The following month, the spotlight shifted to Toimi Arttiurinpoika Silvo, a 51-year-old Finnish man. He defied slumber for 276 hours (11 days 12 hours), setting a new astonishing record. We know little about these record holders and the effects they suffered, if any. But Randy undoubtedly started a craze for such attempts worldwide.

Next: There were others too.

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