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Man Stays Awake for 264 Hours for World Record, But It Backfired Horribly

The Rocking Chair Marathon Queen

The most astounding breakthrough in staying awake came three years later, courtesy of Maureen Weston from Cambridgeshire, UK. In an event dubbed the “rocking chair marathon,” she defied all previous records, shattering expectations with an astonishing duration of 449 hours (18 days, 17 hours) without slumber.

Maureen’s endurance captured the world’s imagination as the days stretched into uncharted territory. Hallucinations teased her as the test approached its precarious conclusion. Yet, astonishingly, she emerged relatively unscathed, without any lingering adverse effects. Her triumphant entry in the Guinness Book of Records 1978 lauds her remarkable achievement, adding she suffered no lasting ill effects.

Next: California’s Robert McDonald gives it a go.

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