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Man Stays Awake for 264 Hours for World Record, But It Backfired Horribly

Achieving the Unthinkable

The clock relentlessly ticked nine days into the experiment, and the team’s suspense intensified. Tensions soared, and hearts pounded with each passing hour. Randy, fueled by determination and youth, persevered through the agonizing deprivation of slumber. Shadows danced on the walls, mirroring the eerie atmosphere engulfing the room.

The day turned into night and back again as the outside world watched with bated breath. The few who believed this wasn’t a prank their collective breath in anticipation. At the momentous 264th hour, a deafening silence enveloped the lab. Randy had just shattered the previous world record, eclipsing all expectations!

Next: Randy is immediately taken away.

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