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You Won’t Find these Rare Photos In Your Typical History Books!

A Quiet Supermarket in North Korea

In a daring 15-second detour, photographer Michal Huniewicz captures the unsettling reality of North Korea: a grocery store with barren shelves. In a land where cameras often capture only choreographed images of prosperity, Michal’s snapshot reveals a different, darker narrative.

“Usually, we were accompanied by guides,” Michal recounts, “but they were both in the front, allowing for a brief, unsanctioned exploration.” The photo joins his gallery of unvarnished truths about North Korea, from omnipresent military to off-limits city centers. “I had maybe 10 seconds before being kicked out,” he says, “and the atmosphere turned unpleasant.” His risk leaves us with an indelible, unfiltered gaze into a secretive world.

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