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Take A Look At This Man’s $2,200 School Bus Dream Home!

Prepare Yourself for the Occasion

In Las Vegas, hot dresses appear to be the standard. This grandmother is decked out in the newest fashions. For her victory celebration, she chose to dress up. That explains why she chose the most striking shirt in her closet.

Even Johnny Storm, or The Human Torch from the “Fantastic Four,” would be envious of this shirt’s depiction of so many flames and fire. Because she relies on a walker to go around, she entered the casino with the idea of winning because it must be difficult for her to do so without it. It’s safe to say she was the most attractive grandmother in the casino that night. But why, exactly, is she donning a pair of hoodies and a hood inside the casino?

She may have some winning strategy in mind, or she could have some vision issues. Regardless of the circumstances, she seemed content and likely took advantage of the old-age benefits offered by several Las Vegas casinos.

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